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FTP sites or NewsGroups

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 5:24 pm
by Paul
I've downloaded shows from people who were nice enough to set
up a FTP sites, but was many of you know sometimes it's very difficult to
get in or the connection fails. Least of all this is the amount of work and cost it takes for someone nice and kind enough to set one up for everyone else.
So I'm offering a alternative for downloading Tragically Hip shows, what
about a NewsGroup were shows can be uploaded and made available 24
hours a day with no limit to how many people are connect at any given time.
Myself, I use Agent and have been for the last two years with great
They presently have a Group for Beatles and Bob Dylan bootlegs which has been up for 3 years now with great success.

Anyone's input in this would be of interest to me and hopefully to many others.


Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 6:31 pm
by eags

If you can clue me in on how to do that, I would be more than willing to do it!!


Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 6:37 pm
by mrlayance
I know that with my current internet connect, not all those news groups are avaliable to me. Such as

I am not usre how to subscribe to that with out playing.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 11:30 am
by highlander
The problem with newsgroup postings is due to the size of the files alot of ISP's dont have the space to have the complete file so it can be a waste of time for most everyone. If you subscribe to a pay-use newsgroup provider than it may work but I know my ISP doesnt host many binaries or large files on its newsgroup servers.

Personally and unfortunately, I don't see it working. FTP is still the best way, or webserving but that can be costly for the host.


Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 9:49 pm
by fullyphantom
this sounds great, how does it work?