2004-06-29 - The Mod Club - Toronto, ON

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2004-06-29 - The Mod Club - Toronto, ON

Post by mrlayance »

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I need 2 Kingston Tickets, please help.
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Post by thecompletist »


will be more detailed tomorrow... :shock:

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Post by nhaste »

Full setlist (pretty accurate order I think):

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Post by thehip11 »

Man you're quick getting home Jeffro. A GREAT SHOW!!!

That setlist looks pretty accurate to me. BRING ON Thursday.

Good meeting everybody tonight!!!
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Post by Big Red »

Great show, got to hear all the new songs which were great. Nice small club, I was like 5 ft. from the boys, nice and close. It was totally awesome seing them in this type of small venue. and to top it off I got to meet Mr. Downie, Mr. Baker and Mr. Langois outside the club about an hour after the show. Gordie was the first one out, he was in a hurry but stopped and gave the 6 of us waiting autographs. I got them to sign my Tragically hip Canada hockey jersey. Gord asked my name and then on the top of the maple leaf wrote Ryan's Team and then signed under it. Shortly after Robby and Paul came out, they were super friendly talked to us for a bit, signed a few autographs and were on there way. It was a night I will never forget!! :jump :thumb:
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Post by LoftyPines »

WOW... amazing show tonight. Met Farmer Dan and Mike and a couple others tonight, ended up taking 140 pics. Someone in the crowd asked about Wasaga Beach, and for some reason he brought up Grand Bend- My home town (with a population of 1000). I asked him if he would ever play Gables again and he launched into a rant about how bars should have washrooms in their band-rooms. Said somthing to the effect that it would be a courtesy. It was pretty damn funny. I was lucky enough to get one of Gord D's guitar pics so I am one happy camper!

See you all at the Amp on thursday, good night!!!
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Post by farmerdan »

finally a connection pays off and helps me have my all time greatest hip experience.

wow....just wow!!

great people....great band...great venue

got to shake robby's hand

i'm pretty much speechless

i'll post some of the better pics when i get around to it

oh yeah, one camara guy used me as a tri-pod during NOIB
Last edited by farmerdan on Wed Jun 30, 2004 9:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ]V[ANTIS »

well, that was certainly a great night. The band was on, the venue was awsome and the beer was flowin'.

I was suprised at the lack of security at the mod club though. For a 19+ event, they werent checking ID's, and i brought a back pack in without it even getting searched. I didnt even have to show ID to get into the venue and prove that I was who i said i was. I could have spotted an unhilighted name, and gotten in for free if i didnt have tix.

So happy they played some f there old material. The new stuff was great too. I snapped 147 pics and will eventually figure out how to share them, most of them are clear and close up :thumb: A rep from molson gave me his card and asked me if id send him my pics...dont know if he was a fan, or wanted them for promotional use??

Definately the most unique concert experience to date...now bring on canada day :rambo:
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Post by gratts99 »

It was great to see them in such a small venue, too bad the radio was there. It took momentum away from the band. Gord had this comparison " This is like watching your hockey team and there down 3-1. then they score and its 3-2 , and then.....(ppl from audience started to yell "commericals suck") Nevertheless the record sounded soooo goood live, no complaints here!!'

During radio breaks, gord would chat with the crowd abit, and robbie went over a couple times to sign some autographs and talk 1 on 1 with some ppl. There was some a$$holes there though. One girl smashed out of her mind yelling the entire time for fiddlers green. saying "gordie i know you can here me, play fiddlers green" and another guy behind me saying that the band is always late because "they are out back counting their millions"
Damn did i want to deck that idiot. If you dont know the hip, why the hell did you come???
After the show, gordie came out looked exhausted and signed autographs for the 5 of us who were waiting (two nice blondes with him). Then some drunk idiot goes up and knocks on the back door asking when the bands coming out. A lady said that gord just left, and the guy replied "what about the other 5 memebers??" OMFG
Eventually Gord s, paul and rob came out. Rob had the enitre family and then the drunk guy goes over to him and starts telling him that "he wasnt feeling it tonight.." Why is this guy here im wondering. The rest of us nicely standing waiting for autographs and this drunk idiot wants to ruin it. Anyway, gord s. booted for the suv that they were all taking(including wives etc) while paul and rob signed and chatted. Rob was extremely nice as was paul, saying "thanks for sticking around guys" Very cool guys..

BTW the drunk idiot didnt even want an autograph, just wanted to tell the band that he was disappointed in the night. This guy is suppose to be "hip fan #1" as well. Something about THC and how it says he is the number member of it??? If your on this board , would you mind not going to any more shows and please turn in your card on the way out. Thanks :thumb:
Last edited by gratts99 on Wed Jun 30, 2004 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NWOntario »

It's 10:02 in the morning; I'm sitting at my desk here in Kingston, trying to decide if last night really happened or not. I'll assume it did, so here's what I remember.

Yesterday afternoon I left work at 2, cabbed it out to the VIA station and boarded train #61 bound for Toronto. Upon sitting down I unwrapped IBE and popped it into my computer's CD player. I had my headphones on, and was puzzled when virtually no sound came out; undaunted, I cranked my player's sound...and just as "Heaven is a Better Place Today" came to an end discovered I had my plugs in the wrong jack and had been blasting the Hip for all the car to hear. Their gain, I guess. :)

Got to Toronto, met up with my friend Talia, dropped in to my parents' house for dinner and then bummed a ride to the Mod Club. We ended up about four rows from the stage, right in front of "Fiddler's Green" Girl (gosh, was she ever annoying). After what seemed like an eternity, the band came on stage and blew through the first two singles from IBE. Then, however, the Edge stepped in with their questions. I should make this clear: I *loved* the show; having said that, the question and answer sessions with the band--like Gord said--really did thwart the show's momentum. I know it was partly the point of the evening itself, but I'm sure most of us could have used a few more songs instead. Having said that, the questions were amusing. The new songs, meanwhile, sound *awesome* live. My initial reaction to IBE was overwhelmingly positive, and "Gus" and "Family" were my two favourite songs. Last night, I think "Family", "Melt" and "Heaven" were the highlights; the songs burn up in a live setting, and Mr. Bobby Baker put on a guitar clinic last night.

As much as I loved the new stuff, it was great to rock out to the classics. It was *weird* hearing "those songs" (you know the ones I mean) in a tiny venue...I mean, I honestly thought "Grace, Too" would blow the roof off the place. "Fully Completely" was *amazing* and a fitting way to end the show. This was one for the ages...I mean, it took me at least three songs to get it through my head that I WAS THERE, MERE FEET FROM THE STAGE. It was utterly surreal--especially when you consider my last Hip show was from the 500 level at SkyDome. When I think back to how close we were, I get this big, dumb smile...like the one I'm wearing now. :lol:

After the show we walked to Ossington and rode home; I went to bed at 1:30, woke up at 5:30, caught the 6:55 train back to Kingston and I'm currently in a state bordering on catatonic. Was it worth it? Oh hell yeah. See you in Ottawa next week...if I don't see you on Canada Day as well.

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Post by NWOntario »

I'd written a message here...and since in retrospect it was completely nonsensical, and since I don't want people to go back, read this thread and think of me as a total idiot, I've deleted it. Word.

Last edited by NWOntario on Thu Aug 12, 2004 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ]V[ANTIS »

is today kicking anybody else's ass after last night...it just keep dragging, and dragging, and dragging on :mrgreen:
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Post by NOIB »

That was quite a show, eh. Tough with all the new material of the top, found myself getting antsy waiting for a glimpse of the faves, but they came with a vengance. This is my first time here, heard some people talking about it at the show, so hey all. The new tracks sound tight, and also quite up beat, which is a great thing.
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Post by gratts99 »

The new tour is all about new songs. Id rather here these new songs over new orleans or courage, ANY day of the week. This album is one of their best hands down
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Post by NOIB »

you're an angry dude, eh! if someone wants to hear classics, are they less of a fan?
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