2004-11-26 - Toronto, ON - Air Canada Center

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Post by Cpt. Trips »

Just as a side note - there was a guy two rows in front of us at the Amphitheatre on Canada Day, my gf and I called him wannabe Gord

Am I 'wanna be gord'?.....like I do 'wanna' be gord, but am I 'the' wanna be gord...I didn't know there was another....hopefully its me, cast me cast me...cast me....

So im hoping they dont cut anything out of the show when they make the dvd...we lost some good tunes on live between us, it would suck to lose some more...oh show review right...

yeah, heres what I have to say about numero 14 or 15...pretty solid, im not a big fan of summertime nashville or jet, and i was confused at the lack of a fifty cap...


Three Pistols and Boots or Hearts in one show, this is all I need, I could have just heard them and called it a night. I really got into for a good life tonight for some reason as well, just seemed on the money..hrmm..oh well..good show. cheers....oh yeah...swim....
Last edited by Cpt. Trips on Sat Nov 27, 2004 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hotmetal401 »

Won't bother with the setlist because it's been done, but a couple of things stick out.

1 - 4 broken strings... 4 fights with the mic... the mic won the last one.
2 - Meridian. I got as much down from that rant as I could. "70 days to cross the ocean/70 nights where no one's gonna hear you fall/ ... The coast line we see thee rise/ ... Take your places in the Canada lines" -- sounds very WW1 ish to me. Also, the dancing was key
3 - Johnny broke a symbol during Poets... always neat when that happens.
4 - Boots or Hearts. There was just something special about it tonight. Same with Blow actually.

A great night. My friend bought me the All Canadian Surf Club t-shirt too!


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Post by clearlyentranced »

So this show will NOT be going onto the FTP due to the DVD? correct?
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Post by AmbitionlessHipster »

Thanks for the link Chris!! Awesome!!! :thumb:
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Post by gratts99 »

It is late and this will be short. I understand that they had to play their "hits" for this dvd, but this is still disappointing to see a lack of friggin imagination from sinclair. everyone else gets something on or IOD or membership... we get ... not much other than 3 pistols.

without fully and 3 pistols this was one of the worst setlists ever... if new years setlist is the same that will be my last hip concert.

its a good life , if i dont hear its a good life ,again!
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Post by NWOntario »

Just got back from the ACC/a night of drinking with some Queen's friends of mine. NO, I AM NOT DRUNK. What's that? "No one's accusing you of being drunk, Steve!" "Oh. Uh, well then! Uh, let's get down to it shall we?"

I guess I'll start with this: heading into tonight's show, I'd seen four consecutive Hip concerts in which I hadn't heard an "old" (i.e., pre-IBE) song live for the first time. To that end, I was hoping to hear something different tonight--preferably "Thugs", although I wasn't optimistic. Before the show, me and Talia (who've now seen the Hip together seven times) made up our respective wish lists; both included "Thugs", while mine also included (well, in the "relastic chance of hearing them live" category anyway) "Makeshift" and "Fully Completely". In that sense, I was very happy: both were played, I rocked out, I moved on. But up until the second encore I still hadn't heard an "old" new song...and I was getting depressed. I don't like complaining where the Hip is concerned, but I mean...couldn't they mix it up a little more, at least when I'm in the house? My buddies who couldn't name twelve Hip songs between them if a gun was pointed at their temples heard "Something On" in Thunder Bay...and I mean, I've seen the band ten times now and never heard that song!

So when "Three Pistols" started, I was pleased. Very, very pleased, in fact. Ten shows, first time hearing it live...and my five concert streak was broken. For some reason, this allowed me to enjoy everything I'd heard up until that point a lot more. The setlist was very much a standard, hits oriented show; "Silver Jet" was the closest thing to a "rarity", and if a second single off a recent album is a rarity then I'm Winston Churchill (okay, maybe I am a little bit drunk...and yes, I realize how weak that simile was--I've been doing a lot of marking lately). It was nice hearing a few songs I hadn't heard live yet this tour (notably "Gift Shop", which I always love, as well as "Boots", which I hadn't heard live in almost four years), however, and the performance was rock blonde solid. Gord had some memorable moments...and also, since the acoustics at the ACC were flawless, his rants were much easier to decipher than usual. Oh, and the "VS"/"FC"/"G2" opening salvo was amazing--just amazing.

Where am I going with this? Not too sure, to be honest. It was a good show--a solid show, even. In terms of the other shows I've seen this tour I'd probably rank it third or fourth (out of four). Why? Because it was solid, not transcendental...and seeing the Hip in a club (6/29), their hometown and the concert you'd previously described as the best of theirs you'd ever seen (Ottawa Bluesfest), it's not quite there. Still, I'm not going to complain about the live Hip experience...and if what I've written sounds like a complaint, just remember: I'M NOT REALLY DRUNK.


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Post by beanmedic »

Great show. good to meet chris and man-sized eldorado. JPE was ok. The hip were fantastic. I didnt even notice that johnny broke a cymbol. weird.

I saw farmerdan69, but he left before i could get down there to say hey. so hey.
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Post by srb »

This was my 13th time seeing the Hip live since '91, my wife's 4th time seeing them, (3rd time this year for both of us) and we brought my friend and his girlfriend who both had never seen the Hip live....what a night.....my only complaint was that they shut down the beer kiosks about 5 songs into the concert. I ended up missing 3 songs waiting around the last open bar for a beer. People were offering me $20.00 for my beer as we made our way back to our seats........
The show rocked...very solid setlist, although we could have used either Wheat Kings/Scared/Long Time Running in the mix.
3 Encores....WOW...I don't think I've ever seen the Hip do 3 encores before...I was honestly hoping for a 4th (can you imagine....)

All I have to say is God Bless you Chris...despite all the signs on the door about a live performance being filmed, you managed to capture the evening on film in it's entirety.....I think I speak for 20,000+ people when I say thank you & can't wait for your DVD.....

One last point, the polar bear poster is awesome....I managed to get through the whole show keeping the poster intact.....Unfortunately, my Kingston "Across the Causeway" wasn't so lucky.....

A great night had by all.....

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Post by Gotcha »

The Show tonight was absolutely amazing, i sat 2nd row and was giving R hard all night great show great music great fans enough said
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Post by john cage »

Setlist whingers - I just don't get you guys. They play 24 songs with this breakout:

uth: 3
ra: 2
fc: 3
dfn: 2
tathh: 3
pp: 2
m@w: 1
ivl: 2
ibe: 6

If you were doing a dvd, wouldn't you want to capture a slice of everything? Plus, they probably thought they had to play things the average or casual fan wants to see so they'll buy the dvd.

scar, fully, grace - BAM, BAM, BAM
nautical, gus, poets, meridian - BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM
Cripes! I'd take that any day.

re: 50mc - well, it hasn't been played yet this tour, so even if it's been rehearsed, it's probably not in 'game shape.'

I am REALLY looking forward to the dvd. I'm glad to hear it sounds like there weren't 15-20 cameras. Hopefully, we'll get something that doesn't have the damn mtv 2 second cuts (like the majority of concert videos/dvds and my only whinge about Rush in Rio - why this is considered 'quality' editing I'll never know). I'd really like to see the guys play!
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Post by the_wheat_king »

Alrighty folks!!

Of the 11 I've seen so far, this one ranks high on my list!
Lots of hits played tonight...great to hear 3 pistols, boots, FC

I also took a lot of pics with my camera (I believe 126 in total TTH ones), most of them a little blurry but oh well...I tried my best with my new camera.

I don't think Gord tripped and fell with the mic, he let the mic/stand hit the stage floor and the mic part popped out of the stand and landed between the monitors on the edge of the stage. He then dived onto the monitors to retieve his mic...it was amazing to see him risk injury to snatch his runaway mic!

I was in Sec. 108 with Adam (beanmedic), row 2 and there were a group of lights from the ceiling of ACC that would shine on part of the audience on both sides of the rink. I was jumping up & down, dancing here & there...so maybe I'll see myself on the DVD!!! Like everyone else!

I'm gonna try and post a couple of my photos I took tonight, I hope it works.........

Great show!


PS - I'm also going to the London show as well, seeya all there!
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Post by grooveless touque »

Looks like a great night for all, but the_wheat_king's second-to-last picture looks like major overkill on the lighting. Hopefully it won't be an irritating distraction on the DVD. The lighting was never better than on the Evening With tour, when they had the great circular screen...other than that, I've always thought the lights were too much at Hip shows. But the setlist looks like a solid run-through of the catalog, even if there was nothing shocking, so I look forward to the DVD!
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Post by tommygunn »

ron wrote:is there some big conspiracy to keep the set list quite from everyone who didn't go so not to spoil the dvd?
Quite what?
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Post by direwolf74 »

gratts99 wrote:It is late and this will be short. I understand that they had to play their "hits" for this dvd, but this is still disappointing to see a lack of friggin imagination from sinclair. everyone else gets something on or IOD or membership... we get ... not much other than 3 pistols.

without fully and 3 pistols this was one of the worst setlists ever... if new years setlist is the same that will be my last hip concert.

its a good life , if i dont hear its a good life ,again!

So let me get this straight: You were at a sold-out ACC during filming of the Hip's first ever live DVD and you're complaining??? I don't get it. I would have stabbed my own mother with a sewing needle to have been there tonight, even if it was a greatest hits show.

As for "Good Life", I couldn't disagree more. That's easily one of my all-time favorite Hip songs, especially when they do it live. I get chills whenever Gord belts out the final chorus. It's like he's singing with his entire body and it blows me away every time.
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Post by direwolf74 »

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