07/26/08 - Pemberton, British Columbia - Pemberton Festival

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Re: 07/26/08 - Pemberton, British Columbia - Pemberton Festival

Post by Spycouple »

thedarkcanuck wrote: gord sinclair does the set lists

Absolutely correct. Not sure why I had Paul there. Maybe on account of ass-kicking.
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Re: 07/26/08 - Pemberton, British Columbia - Pemberton Festival

Post by thedarkcanuck »

Spycouple wrote:
thedarkcanuck wrote:
Spycouple wrote: gord sinclair does the set lists
Absolutely correct. Not sure why I had Paul there. Maybe on account of ass-kicking.

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Re: 07/26/08 - Pemberton, British Columbia - Pemberton Festival

Post by aaronck »

direwolf74 wrote:
NegPhil wrote: They stole the show. The flaming Lips knew it.
It's funny you should mention that. I went to the Sasquatch Festival back in '06, and the Hip stole the show from the Flaming Lips on that day too.

the only thing that stole the show from the Lips that day was the weather. The Hip's short set was great, but it was Ben Harper's day, and he sure delivered, and the poor Lips didn't play until midnight, as they graciously allowed Ben to go on in time, and played after everyone else was done...
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Re: 07/26/08 - Pemberton, British Columbia - Pemberton Festival

Post by NegPhil »

This was not my first barbeque. I have been too many festivals. Sasquatch, Burning Man, The Smoke Out, Raga On The River, The Melt Down, I Am Events, Moon Tribe and on and on. Pemberton was one of the best.
The amazing part of this story is that none of the bad stuff mattered. Something fantastic happened at Pemberton that made all the shit, actual piles of shit, it all just seemed to disappear. Perhaps it was the lack of oxygen combined with the altitude. Or maybe there was something in those $3 bottles of Whistler Water. All I can say for sure is that place was full of good energy, happy people and awesome music. I have high praise for Live Nations eclectic and talented lineup of musical acts. I may not have known a lot of them before I went in but I walked out a fan of every band I saw.

One of my favorite things that happened that day was when my girlfriend and I were standing in line for Greek food and all of the sudden I hear an obscure Hip guitar lick echoing thru the air. I can’t remember what it was. It was old. Defiantly a Paul. I looked up at the main stage to see some crew guys setting gear and running a sound check. This was early. Hours before the first main stage show. We got our food and walked out into the center of the field that would soon be filled with thousands of concert goers. We spread out our blanket and sat down to eat. It was still early so not a lot of people were around yet. As we ate the guys on stage started cracking jokes over the air as they worked. When the one dude said “O.k., now let’s test Gords lip sync track” I did a spit take. It was the Hips road crew and I’m telling you they were hilarious. Sitting all alone in that giant space watching those guys set up while cracking jokes about Bigfoot and miniature horses was awesome. And for the record whatever they did up there it worked. When the Hip took the stage later that evening it was the clearest outdoor sound I have ever experienced.

Low Vs Diamond

Low VS Diamond- these guys have not “made it” yet but all signs point to success for this Los Angeles based band. They have a great vibe and excellent vocals that make for catchy radio friendly songs. I did cringe a bit when the obviously nervous lead singer said “We’re very excited to be here. We’re a bit of an international band ourselves. I’m from Seattle and he’s from Chicago!” They were very happy to play to such a large crowed and gave it 100%. Low VS Diamond is definitely a band to keep an eye on.

Carolina Liar

Carolina Liar- another Los Angeles based band but these guys get a bit of airplay. They were good. I can’t really say a lot about them because we left after they played their single “I’m Not Over” to see The Sam Roberts Band. From what I saw they have a hippy thing mixed with a Midwestern roots rock sensibility. If they come to a club near you they are worth checking out.

Sam Roberts Band

Sam Roberts Band- As we walked to the main stage to see Sam Roberts I was suddenly confronted by thousands of people. Up to that point the place was a bit empty with lots of room to kick it and watch the music. And then Sam showed up. He didn’t just show up, he pulled the stuffing out of the sofa. He rocked the house. He tore the house down and then constructed a new house only to burn it back down and dance on the smoldering ashes. At one point my girlfriend turned to me and asked “How have we not heard of this guy?” Good question. Defiantly my next CD purchase.

After Sam it was off to the beer garden. We had planned on going back to see Buck 65 and My Morning Jacket but we didn’t make it back in time. We ended up in the middle of the campgrounds with some happy campers when one dude says to me “I should warn you, this is good stuff.” I was like “Whitey please, I’m a professional.” As far as I remember it went something like this…Puff Puff BUZZZZZZZZZZZ and the next thing I know I’m standing in the middle of the campsite watching the mountains breathe.

Then it happened.

The Tragically Hip took the stage.

Up to this point I still believed I would be able to get up front like every other Hip show I have attended. We thanked our gracious host and headed off to the Main stage. I can only describe what we saw next by comparing it to the movie Starship Troopers. Remember the scene when the Earth army is standing in the fort on an alien planet and the crusty old guy is like “Rico, it’s a trap!” Suddenly thousands of giant bugs in bulletproof exoskeletons flood out of the hills and pour over the wall? It was like that except instead of bugs in exoskeletons it was fifty five thousand Canadians in cargo pants and novelty T-shirts. And let me say brothers and sister, it was a beautiful sight.
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Re: 07/26/08 - Pemberton, British Columbia - Pemberton Festival

Post by direwolf74 »

aaronck wrote:
direwolf74 wrote:
NegPhil wrote: They stole the show. The flaming Lips knew it.
It's funny you should mention that. I went to the Sasquatch Festival back in '06, and the Hip stole the show from the Flaming Lips on that day too.

the only thing that stole the show from the Lips that day was the weather. The Hip's short set was great, but it was Ben Harper's day, and he sure delivered, and the poor Lips didn't play until midnight, as they graciously allowed Ben to go on in time, and played after everyone else was done...
I agree, Ben Harper was fantastic that night. But I still stand by my opinion that the Hip stole the show from the Lips, and they did it without having to use confetti cannons and giant plastic bubbles. In all honesty though, I can't stand the Flaming Lips and I probably wasn't going to like them anyway. I thought their show that night set a new standard for ridiculousness. But hey, maybe that's just me.
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Re: 07/26/08 - Pemberton, British Columbia - Pemberton Festival

Post by opiated »

The Flaming Lips are weird for the sake of being weird
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Re: 07/26/08 - Pemberton, British Columbia - Pemberton Festival

Post by chris »

A torrent of most of the Pemberton Festival just showed up on yeeshkul.com

I'll add it to the tracker when I get it downloaded.
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