12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by Tthip »

Did someone get hit with the boot of a car again?
Where is the setlist?

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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by chris »

thebends wrote:Marconi calling, anything from accross the pond?
t01 - New Orleans Is Sinking
t02 - The Depression Suite
t03 - The Drop Off
t04 - It's A Good Life If You Don't Weaken
t05 - Fireworks
t06 - Springtime In Vienna
t07 - Morning Moon
t08 - Yer Not The Ocean
t09 - Poets
t10 - Love Is A First

t11 - Courage (Acoustic)
t12 - Coffee Girl (Acoustic)
t13 - Wheat Kings (Acoustic)
t14 - Gift Shop
t15 - Ahead By A Century
t16 - In View
t17 - At The Hundredth Meridian
t18 - Long Time Running
t19 - Family Band
t20 - Grace, Too
t21 - My Music At Work

t22 - Frozen In My Tracks
t23 - Little Bones

Good show. The doors opened at 7pm. The band was on stage at 7:10pm. Needless to say the place was anything but full at that point. Eight songs in the place was packed and the crowd was into it.

Beer was flowing and by the mid-point of the second set the fights started. There were 3 or 4 rough ups... with people ejected. The security were pretty great at extracting the jackasses.

I was disappointed in the setlist, but the majority of the crowd certainly weren't.

The venue is pretty cool - a smaller version of the Phoenix in Toronto (for those who know that room) except it was on the third floor. From the street this venue looks about 12 feet wide - and that it's just a set of stairs. Once inside it's a nice space - perfect for a concert.

I recorded audio.

Another fan recorded all but the first song on video and is going to send it to me.
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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by LarryIrvine »

Cousin made it with the ticket I couldn't use in the end - here is his feedback - 1st timer:

gotta say it was superb! The place was packed! I'm thinking the main singers lost the plot a bit mind. Haha. I'm sure at one point he went crowd surfing. Magic! Loved the Jesus look a like on guitar too. :-)

I'm sure the Dublin show was a treat with the emotion on the emerald island at the passing of Liam Clancy today.
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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by cushty »

I picked up a copy of Fully Completely in 93' and have followed the band ever since, just never managed to catch them live here in the UK. Having read so much about their 'legendary' shows I've always wanted to see them..

I Finally got my chance at Glasgow Garage on 03/12. I was blown away....like lots of music fans I've been to hundreds of gigs over the years, this one has easily made it to my top 10 list!

A very happy UK Hip fan..
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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by Zenith »

Cheers for the reports, CK. I hope you enjoyed yourself! I'm glad the security were on top of the punch ups - as Snoo just mentioned when I read out your post to her, You have to be a pretty hard guy to work security in Glasgow!
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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by jamroom »

Many thanks for the set list Chris. I also recorded audio, but was in the thick of it in the middle of the crowd, so likely have a few loud "in yer mic" type conversations from those excited people. I got into the band in the late 80s / early 90s, but drifted off into different music and never saw them live. Made up for it now though.

Thursday was the loudest gig I have been to in a while and that was not down to the band - the crowd were LOUD. :-) I took it from Gord that the band haven't played Glasgow in some time? A great show, for sure, and the Hip are another of those bands that just get better over the years.
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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by andy42g »

Well, after the Manchester show the evening before and a fine, leisurely journey up on "England's most scenic Railway line", all was set for a fine old time in Glasgow. And a fine old time it did indeed prove to be. Met up with the seriously jet lagged Chris and Cam beforehand; dumped bags and picked up recording gear and cameras from their hotel, and almost as soon as we'd got into the venue and plonked ourselves in our respective places (myself front and centre on the barrier; Cam just to my right and Chris on the balcony with his rig) the band wandered out and kicked off. I think you can be TOO close to a band and in Manchester this was maybe the case. A couple of feet further back this time (behind a barrier which was maybe 3 feet from the stage) gave me a more widescreen view of it all, while Gord did "his thing" right in front of us. This being Glasgow of course there were twats in the crowd and a couple of 'incidents' took place just behind us at the front. One of which was during 100th M and prompted Gord to take off on an extended rant (about, peace, love and understanding?!), and then have a long sit down on his mic on the stage before getting up and ranting some more. The odd bit of violence in the crowd I think fired Gord on and certainly added a certain edge to the proceedings. The two groups of shouty, excitable girls who shoved their way to just behind me really fired up the atmosphere too - they were great value (and said I was Ok to be a proper fan and a Brit too - cheers. I half expected a riot to break out every time one of Gords sweaty rags dropped in the vicinty). I got talking to all sorts down the front - ex pat Canadian "Chad" and his missus; the "The Hip have not been in Glasgow for 15 years and I didn't see them then" Scottish bloke (seems the Scots won't travel to London); the pretty Canadian girl on the barrier next to me who knew ALL the words and her equally nice New York mate who lent me her drink and then the pair of them screamed a LOT in my left ear and it's still ringing now. And quite a few others. It's a fact - you just meet lots of good people in a Hip crowd. Other random things - the look on the security guard's face when Chris opened his bag of recording gear for her to check; the look on Gord's face when he stared down at me and I realised he was just about crush my fingers if I didn't move them from my bit of the barrier he was about to lean across and stand on; and the look on his face as he drove back towards the us from behind after having been roving round the crowd. Unforgettable stuff. We are just so lucky in the Uk to get this incredible band playing our little venues.
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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by Zenith »

andy42g wrote:the look on the security guard's face when Chris opened his bag of recording gear for her to check
Was there any problem getting the stuff in? Did Chris his video camera etc with him?
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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by chris »

Zenith wrote:
andy42g wrote:the look on the security guard's face when Chris opened his bag of recording gear for her to check
Was there any problem getting the stuff in? Did Chris his video camera etc with him?
No issues at all. She asked to check my bag and I obliged. She was shocked at what she saw mainly because she had no idea what it was and why someone would bring it to a show. She called over one of the other security reps who was equally as dumbfounded. At this point one of the bouncers on the door yells back - "he's on the list; it's OK" - and with that we're in.
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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by scuttler »

Wow. Where to start? It's now Monday, the show was on Thursday night, and I'm still not sure I can string a few sensible words together about this. Like Cushty above, I've been a fan since Fully Completely but missed that tour, and since the Hip haven't played the UK outside of London since then, this was my first show. Hi, Andy, I'm your "15 years" Scottish bloke. :D Yes, it was worth the wait. The only thing that would made it better would have been Nautical Disaster but you can't have everything.

Chris and Andy have described the show pretty well already, I just have one story to add, that perfectly sums up the Hip and their fans. The Canadian girl and her New Yorker friend that Andy mentions had another friend just behind them, from Alberta, and I was chatting to her quite a bit, including my "15 years" story, and we both had a bit of an emotional moment during the acoustic version of Wheat Kings. At the end, Johnny Fay had obviously noticed the girl on the barrier who knew all the lyrics and handed his drum sticks directly to her. The girl I had been talking to tapped her friend on the shoulder, took one of the drum sticks off her, handed it to me and said "I think you deserve one of these". That's the kind of people you meet at Hip shows. :thumb:

Looking forward to the audio and video making an appearance.

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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by andy42g »

Hi Richard

It was amazing down there in that crowd wasn't it? And yes - it was great of Johnny to hand the NY girl his sticks at the end. Re 'emotional moments' - I had a serious one of those during "Scared" at Manchester.

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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by catechism »

I wasn't at this show (sadly), but wanted to pipe in about Johnny and his drumsticks; he gave them to me after the Utrecht show. I was right up front and had line-of-sight on him the entire night, and for whatever reason (well, okay, because he is amazing), I was completely enthralled with his drumming throughout the entire show. He'd do something awesome, and I would grin, and he would grin back, and I could barely take my eyes off him. At one point Gord held the mic out to me to say 'my music at work,' and I barely even noticed, I was so taken with Johnny. I said it, because I was singing along anyway, but it was a bit of a flub job in terms of audience participation. And at the end of the show, Johnny wasted no time whatsoever in standing up and coming right for me to hand me his sticks. It was a very cool moment in a series of them, and I'm glad to have the sticks. I'm not sure what to DO with them, but they make me smile and I'm glad to have them.

In conclusion, Johnny kicks ass.
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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by scuttler »

andy42g wrote:It was amazing down there in that crowd wasn't it?
Glasgow is quite rightly (in)famous for how much the crowds get into live shows, and I've been to many gigs there over the years, but the crowd response at the end was just deafening. And yes, the groups of ever so slightly drunk, excitable girls were entertaining.
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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by Tthip »


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Re: 12/03/09: The Garage: Glasgow, Scotland

Post by chris »

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