2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by mintgreenbird »

Securit y did suck... Row 4 center right... I get closer at drunk summer fests
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by mintgreenbird »

Spoiled by Rochester Cleveland.... Worst part is I have a single row 10 for tobight and I know it's gona be worse. I'm glad for the privilege and luxury of being able to be picky about hip shows after the stint of summer setlists that were all the same.
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by Hugh23 »

Setlist in order:

At Transformation
Grace, too
Escape is at Hand...
Man Machine Poem
Gift Shop
Greasy Jungle
Streets Ahead
In View
We Want It To Be
Fire in the Hole
Goodnight Attawapiskat

100th Meridian
The Lookahead
Nautical Disaster
Blow at High Dough

The Landmark Theater was sold out and rockin'. The seating area turned into a zoo as soon as The Hip hit the stage. I was seated in row A next to the aisle, the first row behind the pit. During the 1st song, all the aisles filled with people rushing forward and 3 people pushed into my seating space. Huge clouds of pot smoke filled the theater from the start of the show until the end. I had a couple beers spilled on me as people came and went to the bar/bathroom from my row. I anticipated this would happen, so it didn't bother me too much, but it was suprising the lack of security in the seating area.

I say piss on the "boo birds" complaining about the setlist. Yes, it was the weakest setlist if you were looking for deep catalogue cuts, but the crowd was energized and into every song. The craziness emanating from the fans swept up Gord Downie like a wave. In most of the previous shows this tour, Gord was very low key and subdued. Last night he was jumping and dancing around. He did a great polar bear imitation during Gus and then went on a short microphone stand rant about how it was a polar bear and not a mike stand. There was a little screaming to some song lyrics, but not every one. I really feel Gord got caught up in the excitement. He mentioned several times how good it was to be in Syracuse and the crowd replied with thunderous roars. As Downie_24 mentioned, the theater was literally shuddering from the powerful music and the dancing and singing of the fans.

Robbie and Paul played amazing dual guitars with some great solos from Rob. Many songs had Paul and Gord S singing background. I loved it. The soundboard had Johnnie Fay's bass drum very loud and powerful in the mix. Everytime Johnnie hit the bass drum, I could feel it in my body. As Fran mentioned, while ABAC was playing, Jamison got down on one knee in the pit area and proposed to his fiance, Emily, during the song. She accepted and Gord D congratulated the couple at the end of the song.

I viewed the show as a collection of plusses and minuses. Minus: chaotic crowd control and average, but good setlist. Plus: Energy of the band and the fans. I loved seeing Gord dancing about at least once on this tour. In View and We Want It To Be rocked. I believe this may have been my 60th live Hip show. I left the theater exhausted and sweaty like Gord, as I danced and sang along with The Hip. My wife and I are leaving for the show tonight in Salamanca, NY right now.
Last edited by Hugh23 on Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by bstrauss24 »

The criticism of the sound mix and especially Gords screaming are completely justified. But in my opinion, the setlist complaints are not. Yes, everything gets compared, and yes, this list was not as good as other shows to those of us on The Base. But honestly, if I knew they would be playing mostly hits, 5 or 6 songs from the album they are touring and then 4 to 6 "deep cuts," I would keep coming back forever!

That said, I hated the way GD screamed over singing tonight. The vocals over powered the band, and at times it was just piercing. Compared to how "subdued" the vocals were in Rochester, it was tough. I thought Flamenco, Greasy and Nautical sounded the best, and Gus is my wife's favorite, and that sounded good as well.

I have one more show on the tour (Minn) and I could care less what they play... as long as it sounds more like Rochester, I will have an amazing time.
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by Corpse »

Here are a few shots I took from last night:

Still glad I went. Sure I would have like a few different songs but they still can play, and play pretty damn well. What's not to like about it. :thumb:
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by thebends »

Corpse wrote:Here are a few shots I took from last night:

Still glad I went. Sure I would have like a few different songs but they still can play, and play pretty damn well. What's not to like about it. :thumb:
Great pics, nice job :thumb:
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by MountainHip »

This was one of the funnest hip shows Ive been to.
There was lots of room in the pit to roam around, and dance, the tunes rocked.
The band was interacting with the crowd more than Ive ever seen.
I think the band really enjoyed this show, and there were many, many fans
who enjoyed the show too. The crowd rushing forward, and also the pit crowd moving
all around added to the jovial atmosphere. One of the top shows for me. Regardless of the set list, which I didnt mind either.
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by Scotty12 »

Hugh23 wrote:
I say piss on the "boo birds" complaining about the setlist. Yes, it was the weakest setlist if you were looking for deep catalogue cuts, but the crowd was energized and into every song. The craziness emanating from the fans swept up Gord Downie like a wave. In most of the previous shows this tour, Gord was very low key and subdued. Last night he was jumping and dancing around. He did a great polar bear imitation during Gus and then went on a short microphone stand rant about how it was a polar bear and not a mike stand. There was a little screaming to some song lyrics, but not every one. I really feel Gord got caught up in the excitement. He mentioned several times how good it was to be in Syracuse and the crowd replied with thunderous roars. As Downie_24 mentioned, the theater was literally shuddering from the powerful music and the dancing and singing of the fans.

Robbie and Paul played amazing dual guitars with some great solos from Rob. Many songs had Paul and Gord S singing background. I loved it. The soundboard had Johnnie Fay's bass drum very loud and powerful in the mix. Everytime Johnnie hit the bass drum, I could feel it in my body.

Plus: Energy of the band and the fans. I loved seeing Gord dancing about at least once on this tour. In View and We Want It To Be rocked. I believe this may have been my 60th live Hip show. I left the theater exhausted and sweaty like Gord, as I danced and sang along with The Hip.

Great review! I strongly agree with everything you had to say. I was also at Rochester, and it was nice to see what I called 'Tuesday night Gord' and 'Friday night Gord' a couple of weeks apart on the same tour.

Landmark was breathtaking, one of the best indoor venues I've ever seen.

I thought the 3 'new york' songs appearing early in the set was probably deliberate and very cool. Heading to the Rochester show I predicted we would see Gus, Flamenco and Escape, and it was nice to see that come true a couple of weeks later.

ABAC is not a live fav of mine. I can see it (and others) being easy song(s) to hate, but tonight I tried to stay focused on Rob Baker's  acoustic intro and  electric solo at the end. He is the MVP.

The highlight of the show (for me) was easily the end run of the main set: Poets was amazing, super high energy with an entertaining Gord rant. Followed up with an equally energetic fire in the hole! Great performance. The entire band seemed very into it, Gord had a mic stand rant and 'introduced' the microphone to the stand at the end of the song. Or maybe he 'married' them as I think a guy proposed in the pit tonight.

At the end of goodnight attawapiskat Gord was talking about the engagees and how much the band loves coming to and playing at 'the cuse.' It seemed the guys (especially Gord, Rob and Johnny) were feeding off and thankful to the crowd  moreso than usual .

Notable stuff from the greatest hits Encore: 
Gord said Paul was once a cab driver, knew the city like the back of his hand before  100th.  During the  'Same Elvis thing' Gord gyrated at the mic stand like the king. 

Lowlights: Beer lines were out of control, I'd guess it would have taken 5 songs to be served. As people mentioned, the ushers left a lot to be desired. It looked like the first few rows on the left side (stage right) were hardest hit.

 Gord was either playing with lyric timing/delivery or straight up botched a few lines - its escaping me what songs this happened on, but I noticed him slightly lost more than once.

Sure I would have loved Scared instead of Bobcaygeon, etc but I'm not posting here to dwell on that. Theyre mixing sets up a ton this tour, and I respect the band can play whatever they want. I wouldn't be surprised if they had their reasons for going more 'greatest hits,'  especially to a sold out weekend crowd- have you ever looked around to see the rush to beer/piss or the disinterest from many when a rarity is played?

For the record,  my review is a very positive one.  I consider myself lucky to have been in the crowd tonight seeing one of my favorite bands perform that set in such a gorgeous venue!
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by Escape@Hand »

I have to say I really enjoyed the show, and even though there were more greatest hits than the Rochester show, which I also saw, it was still an amazing show. If I hadn't seen the Rochester show, this might rank as one of, if not, the best shows I've ever seen. The crowd was amazing (although I understand the security concerns), the band sounded amazing, and there were some amazing surprises for the setlist. Escape and Flamenco on the same night? Greasy Jungle and Eldorado? Yes, compared to Rochester, it was a bit of a let down, but only because I want to hear every rarity (like Inch and Hour and Nashville) in one night! And yes, Escape is a rarity; this was my 18th show, and I'd heard it 3 times previously, once before it was released, which doesn't count for me because no one knew the song. Until this week I'd heard Thugs, Cordelia and Daredevil as many times.

I've never heard better sound for the Hip; Gord's vocals were so clear I could make out ever little thing he was saying. After the first few songs, which weren't mixed great, everything was really clear, from the guitars, vocals, drums...their sound engineers did a great job. And the Hip fed off the energy of the crowd; they were really into it, and even though I'm not crazy about hearing NOIS, Blow, Courage and 100th all in the same night, the crowd ate it up.

So to all you complaining about last night, you're sure being spoiled. Just enjoy the band for what they are, enjoy the moment you're in and don't worry so much about the setlists. These guys kicked major butt last night!
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by Wheatking20 »

I thought the show was great. Kind of dissapointed that it was greatest hits setlist, especially after seeing the setlist for the Rochester show. I don't understand why they do this for the Syracuse shows when they get good crowd numbers every time they play at the Landmark. There is only one time that i've seen them there it wasn't a sold out crowd or really close to sell out. The show was on a Thursday night so i'm sure a lot of people had to work the next day. As for the band they were on fire last night. They had great energy and great chemistry. Gord was crazy as ever and i didn't think his screaming wasn't over the top at all. Gus,Gift Shop, We Want To Be It and Blow were the highlights for me. Loved when Gordie kept on mentioning Syracuse as the Cuse because he kind of sang it at one point.
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by mintgreenbird »

Hugh23 wrote:Setlist in order:

At Transformation
Grace, too
Escape is at Hand...
Man Machine Poem
Gift Shop
Greasy Jungle
Streets Ahead
In View
We Want It To Be
Fire in the Hole
Goodnight Attawapiskat

100th Meridian
The Lookahead
Nautical Disaster
Blow at High Dough

The Landmark Theater was sold out and rockin'. The seating area turned into a zoo as soon as The Hip hit the stage. I was seated in row A next to the aisle, the first row behind the pit. During the 1st song, all the aisles filled with people rushing forward and 3 people pushed into my seating space. Huge clouds of pot smoke filled the theater from the start of the show until the end. I had a couple beers spilled on me as people came and went to the bar/bathroom from my row. I anticipated this would happen, so it didn't bother me too much, but it was suprising the lack of security in the seating area.

I say piss on the "boo birds" complaining about the setlist. Yes, it was the weakest setlist if you were looking for deep catalogue cuts, but the crowd was energized and into every song. The craziness emanating from the fans swept up Gord Downie like a wave. In most of the previous shows this tour, Gord was very low key and subdued. Last night he was jumping and dancing around. He did a great polar bear imitation during Gus and then went on a short microphone stand rant about how it was a polar bear and not a mike stand. There was a little screaming to some song lyrics, but not every one. I really feel Gord got caught up in the excitement. He mentioned several times how good it was to be in Syracuse and the crowd replied with thunderous roars. As Downie_24 mentioned, the theater was literally shuddering from the powerful music and the dancing and singing of the fans.

Robbie and Paul played amazing dual guitars with some great solos from Rob. Many songs had Paul and Gord S singing background. I loved it. The soundboard had Johnnie Fay's bass drum very loud and powerful in the mix. Everytime Johnnie hit the bass drum, I could feel it in my body. As Fran mentioned, while ABAC was playing, Jamison got down on one knee in the pit area and proposed to his fiance, Emily, during the song. She accepted and Gord D congratulated the couple at the end of the song.

I viewed the show as a collection of plusses and minuses. Minus: chaotic crowd control and average, but good setlist. Plus: Energy of the band and the fans. I loved seeing Gord dancing about at least once on this tour. In View and We Want It To Be rocked. I believe this may have been my 60th live Hip show. I left the theater exhausted and sweaty like Gord, as I danced and sang along with The Hip. My wife and I are leaving for the show tonight in Salamanca, NY right now.
I don't agree with this sentiment... People read the reviews to see wht happened. I live the hip and I am a fan thru and thru but to say all te shows are gumdrops and butterflies is bullshit. This show isent even close to the bottom but in the context of this tour it wasent the best. I don't think anyone is reAly complaining. I think it's just a fair comparison and personal review
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by MountainHip »

Ill say this. Regular posters on Hipbase make up prolly .01% of ppl in attendance at hip shows. Just cause you (1 person) doesnt like the set list shouldnt define the band. And you are entitled your opinion and I accept it. All cool here. What I saw last night in the 'cuse was HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of satisfied customers. Until the hip invite me to a private show dedicated soley to me, I'll never have a right to complain about a setlist. Sure I dont care to hear NOIS or Courage ever again. But who the hell am I? Am I going to never see a live hockey or baseball game again because I hate bad calls. Or if I have one bad day at work, Im gonna quit? Get over yourselves. You make being a satisfied happy person seem like a crime. I dont think Im right. I dont think your wrong. Its just what I think. I choose to enjoy myself no matter what circumstances are presented to me. If I dont truely like it - then I will take responsibility for my own situation and remove myself from it. This may include hipbase as this place is starting to get overwhelmed with a bunch of whine asses.
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by mintgreenbird »

No hostility man. I enjoyed the shit out of the show.. I would never presume to tell the band what to do... The not knowing is fun too. All I'm saying Is we have to talk about something. I mean its a review. It is an opinion by definition. In my opinion it wasent the best setlist of the tour. It started out weak with the guys not on the same page an making a lot of mistakes and the sound was sketchy at first too. This all got fixed and when in view hit they all gelled... Prolly the best version I have seen of a few songs... Nobody's complaining or anything just sharing their experience. I 100% agree w you it's not "for us" it's for the other 4500 or whatever people there. I think 99 percent of the reviews are positive overall with comments about personal views of the downfalls... Who wants to read 25 posts recaping every show saying most people liked it. The beer lines were x min long and they played x y z. There forum is here for a reason... We want more we want to discuss we want to ponder possibilities and what may have been while reliving what was and is the greatest touring band I m h o. Peace and love -andrew
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by thompson girl »

Here are some pics:
Landmark Theatre

And as I get some vids uploaded I'll post them here too (sorry about the quality - I grab these more for the fun of it and don't pay much attention to having a steady hand!).

Last edited by thompson girl on Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 2012-11-16 - Syracuse, New York

Post by patiodweller »

"...was doing my best polar! A polar bear! No reaction at all! @!#$% microphone stand!" Hahaha... My wife and I loved the show. We loved the set list. I thought Gord was outstanding. There's no doubt that there were sound system issues (it sounded like the speakers were going to blow from the start of the show to the end of the show). Overall, amazing show.
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