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The Search feature

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 7:20 am
by chris
Is there something wrong with it? I searched for "youtube" and it only found 25 results.

I searched for "weird" and it only found 46 results.

Neither search found the thread called "The Weird Stuff On YouTube Thread".

The I searched for "weird youtube" and clicked the search for all terms box and it didn't find any threads.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 9:24 am
by Tthip
If I am not mistaken (which I sometimes am) I do not think the search feature searches titles of threads.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 9:35 am
by chris
Tthip wrote:If I am not mistaken (which I sometimes am) I do not think the search feature searches titles of threads.
Either way, there have to be more than 25 threads with the word YouTube in them...

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 12:33 pm
by grimes
I've noticed this as well, it definitely doesn't seem to be working right.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 1:17 pm
by tommygunn
I noticed problems with the search function ever since that 'debug mode' problem last week. I think Lance said he had to rebuild the search index and that it would take a day or so to 're-index'.. but it doesn't appear that it has fully done so. :?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 3:45 pm
by mrlayance
The search does suck, I admit it. I think the new version of phpbb has a better search. I will be moving to that in the future.

Re: The Search feature

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:24 pm
by chris
Any chance we can get a rebuild on the search database? Searching for posts made before the changeover currently yield no results. For example, search for Ultra Mundane.

Go to: ACM > Maintenance > Search Index

Delete both indexes and then create new ones. When I upgraded to phpbb3 I had to do this in order to get the search working again.


Re: The Search feature

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:57 am
by mrlayance
Looks like my last index did not finish.

Indexing in progress