2006-05-27 - George, WA - The Gorge

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Post by daylight »

googolplex wrote:Rink is growing on me a lot even though it didn't do much for me on first listen. It sound strangely... danceable.
Likewise. I initially dismissed it as a poor attempt to tap back into the hockey-loving demographic, but I dig it now. You're right about the danceability, in fact, the drumming at one point sounds almost Franz Ferdinand-esque to me.
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Post by PortlandCarbo »

Gord walking out onto the Stage!!!!....it's such a tease that the video isn't longer...UGHHHHHH!

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Post by dhip »

hip footage from Sasquatch :

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Post by daylight »

PortlandCarbo wrote:Gord walking out onto the Stage!!!!....it's such a tease that the video isn't longer...UGHHHHHH!

Yeah, I know. My poor little memory card can only hold so much, though, and it was a pretty long weekend. I mostly just wanted to get his intro, as I knew there'd be interesting things said. Shame there doesn't seem to be a bootleg on the horizon for this show.
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Post by hotmetal401 »

From Chartattack:


In a truly amazing moment, everything powered back up and The Tragically Hip brought the party back to life, proving that neither rain, nor sleet, nor big-ass hail will keep a Hip fan down. The band kicked off their set with a powerful rendition of "Grace Too." I’ve seen this band 21 times over the years and this was the single coolest display I've ever watched them deliver. Gord Downie leaned into the mic with the wry introduction, "Well, this wasn’t literally a nautical disaster, but it did involve a lot of water, some terror and a little bit of rock 'n' roll. This song is called 'Nautical Disaster.'" Sadly, the set was considerably shorter than planned to make up for the weather delay, but it was more than enough to get everyone back into party mode.

I think that well sums up a lot of what had been said so far.


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Post by hotmetal401 »

daylight wrote:
googolplex wrote:Rink is growing on me a lot even though it didn't do much for me on first listen. It sound strangely... danceable.
Likewise. I initially dismissed it as a poor attempt to tap back into the hockey-loving demographic, but I dig it now. You're right about the danceability, in fact, the drumming at one point sounds almost Franz Ferdinand-esque to me.
I made a point like this in another thread, but I'll repeat myself; the Johnny and Sinclair are really playing off of each other in this song, which is really something else. This song could be as relevant as any alt-rock song produced this year.

I can't wait to review this record for the Argus in the fall (hopefully, release permitting)


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Post by hefner »

aaronck wrote:Hey MAv, were you the guy in the beige hat who ran out and took a photo of the crowd?
The guy in the beige hat was probably me. Maybe there are some hipbasers in these photos?

It's been said over and over in this forum, but I'll add my 2 cents. The set was incredible. But incredibly short. I talked to a lot of Americans that were impressed by this 'no-name band from Canada'.
Personally, my favorite part was Gord's storm rant at the beginning of Fully Completely.

"I thought the skies would only open up partially... I thought they'd only give us a sample - I didn't think it'd be Fully! Completely! I wasn't ready!!"

I'm sure that was the feeling many had that afternoon.

Anyways, I had shivers throughout thier set... but maybe it was just because I was drenched! :lol:

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Post by PortlandCarbo »

great pics!!! thank you!
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Post by AndGraceToo »

..........man, oh man oh man oh man..
I can't wait to see another Hip show..
why why why why no Tour schedule???????
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Post by Marx Marvelous »

I too had the good fortune of being at Sasquatch for the entire three days, camping and all! It was my first time at the Gorge and the venue is as top as the notchs go.

And I must also throw my hat into the "Best performance ever" bin. I certainly don't have 20-30 shows under my belt, but the boys have gotten somewhere even more special than usual. New songs are hipalicious.

I've gotta stick up for Death Cab though. Despite the fact that their newer material has a pop-rock edge that doesn't sit too well with my ears, their earlier material and poetic talents had me pretty excited to see them.

But, weary of seeing another "Indie Rock boring show, soon to be forgotten" performance, we decided to make our way down the hill and into the fray in front of the stage. Here is where Death Cab's show began, and my dis-anticipation faded. They impressed with their energy, presence, but mostly with their musical abilities.

Bands that simply get up and play their songs require a deep appreciation for their songs before going in to such a show. The Shins are a good example of this. Death Cab however, they were up their jammin, elaborating and having fun. That double drum kit was done beautifully.

Those Hipsters are probably the best example of a band having five musicians, all in the zone, just jammin, playing great songs. Ben Harper's band was good for that too, they could all play, from bass to djembe! Bang that drum brother! It's a pleasure to be witness to such a beautiful thing.

Not 100% of the bands at Sasquatch could do this. Still, great line up, Beck was the best concert I've ever seen, Puppetron, ha.

We tried to capture some of the Sasquatch experience with pictures, up at http://geeefunk.googlepages.com - note, you should be able to get a feel for unbelievable venue that is the Gorge from some of those pictures.
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Post by PortlandCarbo »

Great pics, thanks for sharing.
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It was awsome short set. Many were screaming for more. I was

Post by pansevicius »

The Hailstorm was damn scarry. I am disabled with a bad back and I hid in the Disabled Porta-John with 12 other disabled people from Canada. I am from the Seattle area. We were freezing but we all wanted to see The Hip. When they came out they were on fire. I gotta say that my wife and I and all of my Canadian friends including the people hiding with me from the storm shared everything we had to stay warm and it was worth it. We were graciously warmed up by The Hip who should have been allowed to play longer because everyone was going crazy. Until they took the stage there were good moments but nobody lit up the place like The Hip did! By the time they walked off we stayed for Ben Harper which was spectacular but we couldn't stay for the Flaming Lips because we were beat down by that storm. To those that sat with me in the disabled section cheers! I hope you made it home ok. (:
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Post by hefner »

Finally got a gallery of photos from Sasquatch up... covers the whole weekend, but I got some nice hip shots from Saturday.
Check it out here:


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Post by The Heron Outside »

Great shots dude...
Escape Is At Hand-Tales of a Boy and a Band due June 2013 from Eternal Cavalier Press
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Post by Flamenco »

Good times! Glad to hear the boys are rockin!
TLB wrote:'that was the most hail I've ever seen....and you just stood there in the hail....'

Some would say that 1995's Saturday Night Live broadcast was The Hip's finest hour. Others insist it was easily Woodstock 99 from Rome, New York.

I've seen shows on both sides of the border, initmate club dates, various soundchecks, awesome theatre performances, large arena gigs, a concert on a wooden pier, shows in my hometown, and screamed from rooftops alongside thousands. Yesterday's short 8-song set in Washington was far and away The Tragically Hip's finest hour - I was convinced of this not three minutes into 'Grace, Too'.

Many will quickly deny my assertion and list other important dates in Hipstory. Yes, I haven't attended those performances and I'm forgetting the praise they may deserve. In the same breath, many weren't there yesterday and for those I consider my closest commrades in Hip-land, I am lamenting the fact you weren't. A day later I'm still speechless, concentrating on retaining as many memories as possible. This was my 27th show - I've never been this amazed by this band.

Saturday May 27, 2006 at The Gorge Amphitheatre was this band's finest hour and I'll maintain that until I leave this life - if a better show happens, I pray the Good Lord keeps me around to see it.


Arriving a couple hours in advance, the sun was almost unbearable as Iron & Wine played on the main stage. After going to the floor for a better view, Neko Case started their set - The Boys were less than an hour away. If you look at this photo, the sky was blue and wide-open.

During Neko's second song, rain started to fall - we thought it would soon pass and kept our place in front of the soundboard. Then it happened - absolutely the worst hailstorm I've ever seen or been stuck in. I grew up with 15 feet of snow every winter and -40 degree walks to school, but I've never seen hail like this. For 15 minutes, hail as big as dimes pelted our backs, our ears, and our eyes. The stage looked like a set from a Christmas movie. Festival crew used brooms, shovels, and sticks with towels taped on the end to clean off the stage. Roadies scurried around, covering the gear, removing amps & their wiring while most of the performers retreated to their trailers. Billy Ray was ahead of the game and spent some time filming the crowds below that huddled under blankets & tarps. The intoxicated took it in stride and made their own fun. Some tried hiding under the soundboard but had to leave quickly. The prepared rode it all out. Sarah, Adrian & I found a Hipster with a tarp for protection after getting bombarded initially - Adrian later compared the force of the hail to being hit with a BB-gun. I didn't disagree at all. This photo shows the six-inch piles of hail that formed on top of the Cliffhouse concession stand.

For safety's sake, Neko's set was scapped and after close to 90 minutes, The Hip took center stage and blew everybody's socks off. It was a given that Gord would likely rant endlessly about the weather and the day, which he did. The sound was top-notch and The Boys were as 'on' as I've ever heard or seen.

New & old fans walked away fully & completely impressed. For all the promotion stints down south over the years and all the performances, The Hip made as much headway with this show capturing new fans, if not the most headway yet. Comments from attendees as we walked away from the stage started at positive and topped out at visible awe, like a revelation hit them in the head. It was very satisfying to this Hipster in particular.

Gord dedicated the set to Neko Case as he walked off the stage. Ben Harper finished the night with a late two-hour set. Lots were there to see The Shins & The Flaming Lips.

I can safely say that the talk of the day on everyboy's lips was two-fold - the hailstorm & The Tragically Hip. I'll never forget this show. I can almost say my love with this band is 'complete'.
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