2003-09-06 - Molson Park - Barrie, ON

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Post by Entropy »

klwalsh214 wrote:Best Gord rant line of the evening for me was, "Dorsal fin? Who said anything about a dorsal fin?"
If I'm not mistaken (and I probably am--see my earlier recollection of the setlist order--d'oh!) during Poets Gord was doing the swim rant and siad something along the lines of "Swim! Swim!!! Look out, a dorsal fin!!!" then during NOIS did the "Who said anything about a dorsal fin" line. Classic.
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Post by Kim »

klwalsh214 wrote: At the end of the night he was exhausted, but as we were making the trek back to the car he said, "This is the best day of my life!" Just wanted to share with everyone how I'm helping build the fan base of the next generation :wink: .
That's so cute.. :lol: Way to go! :thumb:
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Post by Ryan2 »

What a great two nights! or day i pulled an all nighter friday night in the parking lot opposite of molson park- it was great tons of people playing the hip - big bonfires lit up the sky till the firetrucks were called in - what a party that continued well into last night. At around a 11am i guess bit of a blur i could hear over car stereos that were quickly shut down Springtime in Vienna --- gord was clearly givin'er on the song - then ballroom and joe it was great to hear these catchy tunes - then lake fever a nice way to begin the day for sure. I managed to get within 5th row at the beginning of the show stage left eventually up to 2nd row - was fairly tame - i am sore thou head to toe but well worth it- I couldnt believe they started off with fire in the hole what a great way to start it off - Gord was so animated the entire night full of energy ,rants galore and just looked like he had missed playing with the hip . The setlist was fairly common a greatest hits package - lets hope this changes for the next tour - plus general admission floors for the shows sans crowdsurfing - i thought that whent out with acid wash jeans:) Great night sound was amazing - i know the melody of the new songs but cant remember the lyrics exactly- im sure someone recorded the show and will be put out soon...
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Post by gratts99 »

First of all.. what a terrific change with the selist. Maybe somebody else wrote it or they used a dartboard! Its been years since weve seen thoses songs and lets pray the older songs come out in next years tour. Great Job Boys

Secondly.. Am i the only one who could'nt see SHIT. Actually the only thing i saw was the dust and somke in the air which in turn got into my lungs which is why me and 8 of my friends are blowing dirt out of our noses today. And we have soar thoats (but lets credit that to the song surprises)

WTF is with the small amount of beer tents. Lineups were HOURS, Porta pottys were full of piss and no toliet paper. This event needed another 10 tents of beer and food (and ticket booths since you had to trade your money for tickets in one line and tickets for food/drink in another line)

I do feel sorry for the hipfans that dont really know the older songs, most of the people around me were standing completey still waiting for NEWO. HOwever in my section there was a about 15 people who went BEZERK when FIRE started us off, then DD, Then BOOTS, LOOKING, one of friends collasped to the ground laughing becasue this setlist was just too good.

In conclusion the HIP FKing rocked, i just wish the venue could of been different, (stadium) or at least they could of had fking monitiors for us!
OLP- Why did every song go on for 10 min and why did they sound the same. Didn't see anybody else, too busy getting food for an 1hr.
Looking forward to next years tour FOR SURE!!!!!!! :D :D
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Post by Summiteer »

I bet ya 10,000 dollars the Hip recorded this gig,being their last show at Molson Park and everything.I think it may be that monumental to them to say "what the hell let's get this puppy on tape for posterity."ahh maybe I'm just wishful thinking :wink:
p.s.did anyone notice any professional cameras stashed out anywhere in park? becuase they'll need footage for this DVD that their gonna make for us. hint hint :wink: :wink:
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Post by Hugh23 »

Suzie, Sean and my wife Carolyn and I drove from Detroit, Michigan to Barrie, Ontario to see the Hip. I was excited not only because I was going to see the Hip headline the last show ever at Molson Park, but I had also made arrangements to meet up with MATS (Bryan) who I met through the Hipbase.

MATS came with his friends Greg, Dave, Mike and Jeff. Jeff and Sean were virgin Hipsters, seeing the band for the first time. I was treated to some good Canadian hospitality by MATS and his friends. They shared their cooler full of beer with us as we partied in the parking lot waiting for the Hip to start, while listening to the other acts. MATS, an experienced concert goer, manuvered us through the large crowd to about 50 yards from the stage where we could see the band perfectly. I had some great views of the guys through my mini-binoculars I always carry to big shows. It was definitely worth the effort to make the trip. The Hip played the best set list I have ever heard in the 15 shows I've seen over the years.

I knew it was going to be a special night when TTH started with Fire in the Hole, and it got better from there. Gord D. came out wearing his green shirt and faded neon ball cap, which he immediately took off and set down next to Johnnie's drums. He was not wearing the sunflower he sometimes has on his lapel. Instead, sunflowers decorated his guitar strap. Robbie was wearing red pants with a black shirt. His hair was pulled back from his face by a matching black and white bandana tied in an unusual style, different from how bikers wear it. It was a cool and different look for him. Gord S. was his daper self, be-bopping in his spot as he likes too. Paul's hair was shorter and he was jamming and singing great. Johnnie Fay wore a white t-shirt and kicked the hell out of his drums.

Gord D. is always full of energy whenever I have seen him. Last night he was like the Tazmanian Devil cartoon. He was doing everything. He abused his mikestand, throwing it and pulling it back to himself as he does so well. He kept doing an ape imitation that was funny and generally was jumping all around. He was so animated that he dropped his mike by accident one time, missing a few words. He made wild, jerky motions with some great facial expressions and contortions.

TTH played some of their best older songs you don't hear often. Highlights were Fire in the Hole, Daredevil, Boots and Hearts, Lookin' for a Place to Happen, Locked in the Trunk of a Car, and 50 Mission Cap. Gord had a number of good monologues, especially for Locked in which he kept screaming, " You left me a key, didn't you"?!!

Many of you have the '97 bootleg from Another Roadside Attraction at the Park in which Gord says he is going to burn his boots before playing Boots and Hearts. He made reference to burning his boots on this stage, but said there was a slight misunderstanding. He burned his brother's boots by accident. After Nautical Disaster, Gord said he would like to thank the guy operating the spotlight. "Keep it bright, steady, and on the center", he said. Everyone turned around to see who he was speaking of, and saw a beautiful 3/4 moon shinning down on us.

We were treated to the new songs Ballroom and Joe. I listened intently, trying to hear the words. One line struck me from each song. Ballroom has a good rocking feel to it. I'm paraphrasing, but Gord sang, "Put down the pen, stop writing about it and do it". Joe might be described as an up tempo ballad. In it Gord kept repeating the line"Josephine, goodnight". Here I was listening to my favorite band play a new song, when I was suddenly reminded of my own mother Josephine, who died over 20 years ago when I was a teenager. I hadn't thought of her in a while, and it reminded me of how much I miss her. It was a bitter-sweet moment I savored nonetheless.

The Hip played for an hour and fifteen minutes, returning to play one encore. It truly was a fantastic 90 minute show. When it was over, there was a very good fireworks display using the moon as a back drop.

I had a terrible thought in the back of my mind that the band had reached its apex. After seeing their performance last night, I honestly believe they have yet to reach their pinnicale. The Hip continue to rule!
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Post by Kim »

Very nice review Hugh23.....sounds like you guys experienced one hell of a good show :thumb:
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Post by RyeKruder »

:shock: WHAT A NIGHT, WHAT A SHOW! :shock:

There is no way I can put into words what I experienced last night. My last time at Molson Park (seen about 12 shows there) was Radiohead in 2001, and leaving that day I said goodbye to Molson Park, thinking I had had my last great time there. I've been to every EdgeFest since 1997 (except last year's) and every year I waited to see the Hip's name show up as the headliner, only to be disappointed. Earlier this summer, I said to my friend, that the only way I would attend this year's party would be if the Hip was to headline at Molson Park. We both laughed at the thought, and then nearly had simultaneuous coranaries when the show was announced. So needless to say, I had HUGE expecations going into yesterday.

And only Gordie and friends could have lived up to those expectations. The lived up to them, and surpassed even my wildest dreams. Like everyone else, I was in pure shock when the drums for F in the H started. (my buddy and I had a bet running whether they were going to start with Grace, or Are You Ready). Again like everyone else, I almost broke down with laughter when classics like Boots, Locked, and Looking started. I would have liked to hear Gordie do the same rant for Poets that he did at the WoodStock '99 show "They wanna suck the marrow from your bones..." I fully expected this to be a mish mash of usual hits, and lots of stuff from MAW and IVL. Much to my surprise, not a single song off of MAW and just two from IVL. I don't think that Ms. Cleo could have predicted getting 5 doozies from Fully Completly! Lastly, the people at Molson Park need to be thanked for the fireworks show at the end of the night. After a wonderful show, hearing PF's Us and Them over the PA while watching the fireworks was AMAZING. Thanks guys.

I'm not one to criticize perfection, but I do have a request for the boys. I am still yet to hear Another Midnight or Highway Girl live. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE....just play 'em once for me? :(

PS. During NOIS, did anyone else think Gordie may, just may break into KillerWhaleTank by the way he was walking up to the mic? You can always hope right?

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Post by D-man »

"not a single song off of MAW and just two from IVL"

Putting Down is off of MAW. Also, wasn't the only song off of IVL Silver Jet?
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Sorry :(

Post by RyeKruder »

You're absoloutley correct....my bad. Sorry :(
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Post by dyersbay »

Wow that was a great show!! I am so HAPPY that I decided to go!
I went down with my BF and one of my bestfriends Catherine, and her Husband John. Couldn't have picked better people to go with!
We too had quite a few beers out in the parking lot before going in, as well as a little smoke! :thumb:
We walked into the stage being empty. We then probably where board out of our mind watching "our lady piece of sh.t" as John likes to call them.
I thought his comment about George Bush was a bit much and also annoying! :shock: There was so many people in our area "hipping" our lady peace!
I don't know if anyone else there heard that in the areas you where? Probably not many people where doing it? I would also just like to mention that I HATE general admin. There was so many people walking in front of us every two seconds! I was also getting pissed off that these morons just think they can come by me and basically push me out of there way! JERKS :rambo: This is way I love seating shows! :D
So now onto the best part the hip. I was so looking forward to seeing them. I figure we all might be lucky enough with a tour next Summer, but way to long for me to wait!

We where standing to the left of the stage, we had a pretty good view. I noticed that a lot of Our lady peace fans left, because we had so much more room, and not nearly as many people coming and going! :lol:

I was also very surprised with the opener! What a nice treat! :)
I was pleased also like a lot of you, that they didn't just play the hits! I really felt like they where there playing for the "true" fans.! :thumb:

Gord was entertaining as he usually is, I thought his voice was a little different, but it was probably just because I have not heard the hip outside in quite a while! I just knew to that he would be wearing the green shirt! I am so surprised that it hasn't fallen apart yet! Hasn't he had it since 98? :scratch:
It was great to hear the two new songs, and I knew as soon as they began that, oh great this is a new one! I was completely mesmerized by Ballroom. Doesn't Neil Young have a song called Ballroom?
But anyway like Hugh I was really trying to hear the words! I heard something about "stop thinking about who's kissing her"..did anyone else? :scratch: I can't wait for the new album and also to figure out those lyrics for both songs!! :thumb:
It was such a fabulous night! I had such fun listing to hundredth meridian! What a great song! I love how the music stops and the Gord is just going off. When that music kicks in again it is such a great feeling of joy! :lol: Anyway I can't say enough!! I was so happy that I went!!

It was such a great night!!! I wish I could have meet some of you fellow hipbasers! I'm glad you all had a great time! :wink:
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Re: .............

Post by farmerdan »

Ryan2 wrote:i pulled an all nighter friday night in the parking lot opposite of molson park
that party was way too kick-ass

i almost thought that there was no way to top that night, then i remembered that the hip were playing

i think silver jet was my favorite song of the night, no real reason why

awesome show
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Post by Hugh23 »

farmerdan69 wrote:
i think silver jet was my favorite song of the night, no real reason why

awesome show
I have to agree! Sliver Jet really rocked, but I thought I was the only one who felt it was one of the best songs of the show. (Especially after they played all the great old ones). Others in my group said the same thing. The band put a lot of energy into that one, and it seemed to project through the speakers. Gord ended the song with a rant, but I couldn't pick anything out. I still have that happy feeling two days after the show. :D :D
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Post by WheatQueen »

RyeKruder wrote:
PS. During NOIS, did anyone else think Gordie may, just may break into KillerWhaleTank by the way he was walking up to the mic? You can always hope right?

"Nothing fancy, just a steady glow"
Yes, I also thought Gord was going to go into killerwhaletank. I kept saying to my girlfriend, he's going to play killerwhaletank, oh my god! Then he didn't , oh well.

I'm still thinking about the show even today, 2 days later. I can't believe how great it was.
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Post by jkdiamond »

PS-Is it just me or does Raine Maida SUCK live? Not the band, just Raine. Sounded just horrible to me and my friends.

No he sucked live, he sucked when i heard him a few yrs ago at ACC and he sucked on Saturday.

The hip and Sloan were teh only stand-outs. I met a cool guy from the states witha huge gargoyle tattoo on his arm. Nice guy.

I wonder if he frequents the board.

Memorable moment: Being offered 5 grams of weed for my Molson Park Hip Shirt. Then watching the guys face as I declined
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